Drug concentration
Investigate -by making calculations and graphs- how the level of medication in blood changes over time
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Classroom materials,
motivating pupils for math and science

World of Work

Becoming a(n)...
Chemical analyst in pharmacology.
World of Work Dimensions


Students partly adopt the role of pharmacologist in finding out how drugs work in the body. They do so by using mathematical models instead of experimenting in a laboratory.

Students use a mathematical model to explore changes in bloodstream drug level under varying conditions. They present their findings as patient usage instructions. The activities show how a pharmacologist may use mathematics.

Students write a leaflet with patient information and instructions on the use and effects of medication.
Most medication requires a certain level of medicine in the bloodstream to be effective. On the other hand, if the level rises too high some medications may be harmful. Farmacologist study which dose of medications is effective. In this task students use mathematics to explore how the level of medication in blood changes over time and what happens if the daily dose is changed, skipped or a double dose is taken. They write a report, that can be a leaflet for patients.


Copyright/Creative Commons
Mascil partner: NL  

Materials are published under the
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Inquiry Learning

Inquiry Learning Dimensions

- Exploring situations
- Planning Investigations
- Experimenting systematically
- Interpreting and evaluating
- Communicating results

- Mathematics
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Engineering

Target group
- Primary Education
- Lower Secondary Education
- Upper Secondary Education

Age range

100 min.