Look for manifestations of geometric congruences, discover them and use them.
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motivating pupils for math and science

World of Work

Becoming a(n)...
Archeologist/ restorer
World of Work Dimensions

The workplace in this task is an archeologist's atelier, where broken pottery is restored. The task focuses on designing missing fragment(s.) Its geometrical properties (shape and pattern) are explored with geometrical knowledge and computer tools.

Students adopt the role of a mathematician who helps the archeologist to restore broken pottery, by exploring the geometrical shapes and patterns of the missing fragments.

Students are guided to explore and use computer tools (Geogebra, Paint) to design the missing fragment.

The product is a restoration plan and a computer design of missing pottery fragments.
Science and mathematics play an important role in archeology, for example in restoring ancient artefacts – e.g. in glueing broken pieces of a ceramic plate together, and filling in the gaps with pieces of appropriate form , ensuring that the pattern is restored as well. In this task students explore various geometry-tools for creating a model of a broken plate and they suggest ways of restoring the original.


Copyright/Creative Commons
Mascil partner: BG  

Materials are published under the
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Inquiry Learning

Inquiry Learning Dimensions

- Exploring situations
- Planning Investigations
- Experimenting systematically
- Interpreting and evaluating
- Communicating results

- Mathematics
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Engineering

Target group
- Primary Education
- Lower Secondary Education
- Upper Secondary Education

Age range

100 min.