Nesting box
Building nesting boxes for endangered bird species
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Classroom materials,
motivating pupils for math and science

World of Work

Becoming a(n)...
designer, woodworker.
World of Work Dimensions

the task has a direct connection to the world of work. Students play a certain role, perform typical work activities and create an authentic product.

students work as designers and woodworker.

students choose the bird species; design, produce, and present a drawing of the nesting box.

drawing of a nesting box and/or a built nesting box.
All European countries seek to conserve all bird species by protecting their habitats and, through this, to work for the world's biological diversity and the sustainability of human use of natural resources. Most endangered species of birds could disappear without the help of humans. One of the possible ways to help birds is to build nesting-boxes. These small houses for birds could determine if birds can survive in a particular place. The student works as a carpenter or designer in a company which produces wooden things. The company was asked to build 1000 nesting-boxes for birds. These nesting-boxes will be hung on trees in a particular forest.


Copyright/Creative Commons
Mascil partner: LT  

Materials are published under the
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Inquiry Learning

Inquiry Learning Dimensions

- Exploring situations
- Planning Investigations
- Experimenting systematically
- Interpreting and evaluating
- Communicating results

- Mathematics
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Engineering

Target group
- Primary Education
- Lower Secondary Education
- Upper Secondary Education

Age range
