Parking entrance
PoM-May-'15. Cars without damage on the ramp
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Classroom materials,
motivating pupils for math and science

World of Work

Becoming a(n)...
Architects and Designers
World of Work Dimensions

Architecture and Design

Students are asked to design a straight-line slope connecting the street and the basement-parking garage.

Working in groups to explore a real-life situation by means of paper models and dynamic geometry software.

Paper and dynamic software models of the designed straight-line slope
The aim of this task is to facilitate the parking entrance from the street to the basement of different types of cars and other moving objects such as baby carriages, wheelchairs, etc. The natural intention is to make the passage from the street to the basement as short as possible This task is inspired by (and is a continuation of) the Parking Problem proposed by the Spain Mascil team. The problem implements mathematical ideas in the context of road construction, car design, architecture, traffic control (speed bumps). The students are expected to explore a real-life situation by means of paper models and dynamic geometry software. Based on experiments they enhance their intuition for the situation under consideration, formulate and verify conjectures and, finally, find practically acceptable solutions.

  • Teacher: WORD and PDF
  • Student: WORD and PDF
  • Links to the dynamic files (geogebra) are included in the Teachers guide as well as in the Student pages.

Copyright/Creative Commons
Mascil partner: BG  

Materials are published under the
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Inquiry Learning

Inquiry Learning Dimensions

- Exploring situations
- Planning Investigations
- Experimenting systematically
- Interpreting and evaluating
- Communicating results

- Mathematics
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Engineering

Target group
- Primary Education
- Lower Secondary Education
- Upper Secondary Education

Age range

90 min.