Kitchen floor tiling design
Use at least two different types of ceramic tiles
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World of Work

Becoming a(n)...
Tile installer or architect
World of Work Dimensions

The context of this task is renovating a kitchen, specifically designing a pattern for tiling the floor with new ceramic tiles. People can do this themselves at home, but often professionals like architects and tilers are involved as well.

Students may adopt the role of a designer of patterns. This is related to the work of a decorator or an architect.

Students investigate and design tilings for a floor using at least two types of tiles. They may use paper tiles, drawings of geometrical software (like geogebra).

The product consists of one or more sample designs, perhaps with a calculation of the costs. The product can have different forms: a geogebra file, drawings, a report etc.
Tiling floors is a very old pratice or profession. When designing the interior of buildings or rooms or the lay-out of streets or gardens an architect may also design the patterns for the paving. In this task students design a floor tiling pattern for a kitchen using at least two different types of ceramic tiles (having different sizes or different shapes). The pattern has to be independent of the size of the tiles.


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Mascil partner: RO  

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CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Inquiry Learning

Inquiry Learning Dimensions

- Exploring situations
- Planning Investigations
- Experimenting systematically
- Interpreting and evaluating
- Communicating results

- Mathematics
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Engineering

Target group
- Primary Education
- Lower Secondary Education
- Upper Secondary Education

Age range

100 min.