Can the earth feed us?
Investigation of a text on eating meat. A Parrise/MaSDiV classroom activity
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Classroom materials for STEM

Shortage of food on a global scale is increasing every day as the size of the worlds' population grows. In addition, climate change raises new and future problems for local food production. Food shortage has no simple, straight forward solution. Possible solutions should encompass not only political and environmental issues, but also multicultural issues such as differences in culture, religion and diet. Food is a necessity in the life of every student and therefore relevant and easy to relate to. The context promotes students' multicultural thinking and fundamental values.

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Materials are published under the
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Lesson activities
  • Try to understand the provided examples and the underlying ideas/theories of the authors from the book "Can the earth feed us?". Let the students investigate this topic in recent, local or alternative publications
  • Role-play debate: Take on a role in the local governing body. Issues up for debate are for example more vegetarian food in the Towns schools, or mandatory vegetarian canteens for environmental reasons.
  • Research on the equal distribution of food across the planet.
  • Research project combining climate change to areas at risk of food shortage.
Curriculum content
- Food shortage
- Climate change
- Food production
- Dietary choices

- Mathematics
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Engineering

Target group
- Primary Education
- Lower Secondary Education
- Upper Secondary Education

Age range

50 min.


Claire Boerée and Amy Mol, Utrecht University

MaSDiV repositoryDutch version